Domestic appliances project #1

Domestic freezer, contact microphones, induction coils, open air microphones, mixing desk, loudspeakers, subwoofer
Variable, that of the hosting space
Produced by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis
Produced at:
Music Research Centre, York UK
Produced in:
Documented by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis
A site-dependent installation dedicated to the exploration of a domestic freezer. Using a variety of carefully selected and placed transducers, sounds from the freezer are amplified and projected into the hosting architecture employing various speakers, so that an immersive sonorous geography is enacted for the audience to interact with.
The first (and only hitherto) realisation and public exhibition of the work took place in the the A.S. Rymer Auditorium (York, UK), employing a variety of transducers (mainly custom-made), 5 genelec 1037C monitor loudspeakers, and a geneleck 7060A monitor subwoofer. In this fashion, sounds from the machine are amplified and projected into the auditorium – achieving both an exploration and an expansion of the machine – to develop a composed sonic environment. Sound here operates on an architectural level in competition with the freezer’s corporeal presence and by enacting areas of different sonority within the auditorium. This provides visitors a ready-made sonic environment for them to experience, an opportunity to wander inside it, to explore it and define their own individual pathways through the work their unique encounters with it. Questions of site- and time- dependency of the work arise due to the highly-referential nature of both the found-object and its accommodating space, this might introduce a conceptual aspect to the work. The physical presence of the freezer, the carefully composed soundscape and the individual character of the auditorium, are evidence that it’ s not about A freezer into A space, but about this particular freeze into this particular space, and about the artist’ s own interpretation of how they can be creatively explored by means of one another.
Publication, eContact! 12:3. (2010)
Exhibition, A.S. Rymer Auditorium. York, UK (2009)