
Rapid progress in science and technology, climate change, disasters, wars, social asymmetries vis-a-vis gender, race, economy, etc. Contemporary world is a chaotic mess of intertwined affairs. In such an era, artists try touch the depths of the world and question society through critical and poetic expression. 混沌に❤️!・遭い (Love/Encounter CHAOS), sound and media artists from Europe and Tokyo hold exhibitions, discourses, and live performances broadly pivoting on the notion of “care”. Sharing diverse practices and ways of knowing with one another and the general public, they aspire the emergence of a care-informed understanding for society, animals, plants, the environment, and our planet. 混沌に❤️!・遭い is a practice that views “chaos” as a potential state of creative reciprocity, provoking and caring for the future through art.

Co-curated by Marinos Koutsomichalis and Yukiko Shikata, 混沌に❤️!・遭い comprised a series of events taking place at three different venues in Tokyo JP, over a period of several days and involving artists/researchers from Japan and Europe. In some detail, the project commences on May 30, 2024 with a public event at SUPER/DOMMUNE in Shibuya featuring the ’30 years of media art’ panel by Alessandro Ludovico, Yukiko Shikata, Naohiro Ukawa, Minoru Hatanaka, a 90′ continuous performance of the 混沌に❤️!・遭い score (by Marinos Koutsomichalis, on a design by Tomoko Ito) with Marinos Koutsomihalis, Fani Konstantinidou, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Josefine Lindebrink, Julian Ottavi, Jenny Pickett, Radio Ensemble Aida, Ai.step, Akis Sinos, Jørgen Teller, and eventually a DJ set by Hypermedium (aka Akis Sinos).


On June 1-2 at CCBT (Shibuya) an exhibition with works by Josefine Lindebrink, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Alexia Achilleos, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Joergen Teller, Julien Ottavi, Jenny Pickett, johnsmith, ラヂオ Ensembles アイーダ, Kensuke Sembo and Yae Akaiwa took place, as well as two public roundtables with Marinos Koutsomichalis, Alessandro Ludovico, Jenny Pickett, johnsmith, Yukiko Shikata, Alexia Achilleos, Nikos Rodousakis, Sarah Kim, Shiho Fukuhara, Fuyuki Yamakawa, Tomo Kihara, Shiho Fukuhara, and a workshop and de-briefing roundtable with Marinos Koutsomichalis, Fani Konstantinidou, Jenny Pickett, Julien Ottavi, johnsmith, Akis Sinos, Tomo Kihara, Fumi Hirota, Tabei Katsuhiko, Kimura, Taka Ito, Jørgen Teller, Josefine Lindebrink, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Alexia Achilleos, Sarah Kim, Alessandro Ludovico, Nikos Rodousakis.


Finally, another concert took place, in the context of the ‘Heavier than Jupiter’ series of concerts curated by Dave Skipper, at 落合 Soup with live acts by Jørgen Teller, Dave Skipper, Fani Konstantinidou, Nobuki Nishiyama, Julien Ottavi, Jenny Pickett, Kasper T. Topeplitz, Radio ensembles Aiida, Fuyuki Yamakawa, Marinos koutsomichalis, Akis Sinos.