A speculative fiction workshop intending to examine how we might make knowledge outside of human language. Facilitated by Marinos Koutsomichalis, Ester Toribio Roura, and Sinead McDonald. Organised by Mantis and hosted by the Technical University of Dublin.

Making Futures

A speculative fiction workshop intending to examine how we might make knowledge outside of human language. Facilitated by Marinos Koutsomichalis, Ester Toribio Roura, and Sinead McDonald. Organised by Mantis and hosted by the Technical University of Dublin.

no speech, no script, no language

Workshop Structure

Exposition (10 mins, including 5 minutes to ask questions)

16 aeons ago humans living on planet Earth decided to abandon language. You are these humans’ mute descendants, currently inhabiting a suspended timespace with a finite edge. In order to ensure your survival, you must return to Earth, but before, you must unveil the mystery of the human decision.

In this room are the remains of human existence, they contain the clues to unravel of the mystery.

Part A: diagnosis (45 min)

In groups of 6 you are asked to piece together humans’ decision to abandon language. 

Part B: cure (45 min)

Your task is to develop a vision(s) for your new life on Earth


Rule number 1: You are not allowed to speak or write words in any language. However, you are allowed to use sound(s), movement, touch, drawing, etc

Rule number 2: If you speak or write  you are automatically ‘spaghettised’ 

Rule number 3: You must abide rules number 1 and 2 at all timespaces 

Part C: debriefing (20 min.)

Participants are now allowed to speak

How did the inability to speak affect your ability to communicate with your peers? Is there any  merit of abandoning language? What insights are you taking from the workshop?