



Neural r(E)volution

Neural r(E)volution

Mapping the Vortex: Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider

Sound Synthesis and Algorithmic Music with SuperCollider

Mapeando o vórtex: mapeamento e visualização com SuperCollider

Mapping the Vortex: Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider

Mapping the Vortex: Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider

Mapping the Vortex: Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider

SONIC DIMENSIONS: Sound, Space and Multichannel Audio

Composing with Field Recordings and Environmental Sounds

Synthesis with found audio: a hands-on introduction to audio composition

Sound Synthesis & Electracoustic Music

Soundwalk @ Lake Vistonida

Interactive granular synthesis

Interfacing with the Vortex (granular synthesis with Supercollider, arduino and analogue sensors)

SuperCollider Vortex

Probing the City: Urban field-recording

SuperCollider Vortex


SuperCollider Vortex

SuperCollider Vortex

Damn Lab: Creative Coding & Media Art

Supercollider in 36 hours


Making Futures

Machines of Mantic Stain

Repair/Reuse Hackathon

Aesthico ISP #1

Οι Τέχνες και Μηχανική ως διεπιστημονικά αντικείμενα

Radio Care: Exploration des paysages sonores radiophoniques
