Mörk Materia

Mörk Materia
Explorations of cameraless photography/cinematography and of the darkroom as a creative means by itself.
B&W photo chemistry, (expired) silver gelatin film, (expired) RC/FB silver gelatin paper, various objects and materials, film projector, photo enlarger, light, darkness
Dimensions (silver gelatin prints):
Duration (motion films):
Variable (typically from a few seconds to a few minutes)
Produced by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis, Heraklion GR
Produced at:
Y’ha-nthlei Studio, Heraklion GR
Produced in:
Documented by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis
Mörk Materia revolves around cameraless photography/cinematography experimentation and the creative utilisation of the darkroom as a production means all by itself. Employing a variety of techniques, B&W chemistry, gelatin film and RC or FB photopaper all kinds of abstract imagery is created from scratch. Highly experimental in their essence sessions of a sort make heavy use of expired silver-based materials, misuse of chemistry, and ad-hoc/haphazard methods. On this continuum, Mörk Materia celebrates unconditional exploration of the literal/material foundation of photography.

Mörk Materia manifests in a number of different fashions with respect to the materials involved. Most notably it concerns: 35mm and 4×5″ film negatives (to be digitally scanned and/or printed in the darkroom); unique silver gelatin prints created directly on photo paper; and Supr8/8mm motion films to be projected. All silver gelatin prints (from films or directly onto paper) are unique creations stamped, numbered, and signed by the artist.
Performance, Non-machines: Playground of Perspectives; Bauhaus Universität Weimar, DE. (2023)
Performance, Foyer!. Limassol, CY. (2023)
Performance, 3nd European Culture And Technology Lab+ Annual Conference (ECT LAB+); MADLab. Limassol, CY. (2023)