code | system | sound | image | performance

Studies in Complex Analysis

By: Marinos Koutsomichalis
Audiovisual studies employing Koutsomichalis' 'J' C++ framework for waveform synthesis in the w-plane. The latter comprises complex periodic, non-periodic, stochastic, and elliptic oscillators, conformal mappings, complex transformers, and other unit generators that either produce or manipulate complex numbers.
code | system | sound | image | performance

Studies in Complex Analysis

Audiovisual studies employing Koutsomichalis’ ‘J’ C++ framework for waveform synthesis in the w-plane. The latter comprises complex periodic, non-periodic, stochastic, and elliptic oscillators, conformal mappings, complex transformers, and other unit generators that either produce or manipulate complex numbers.

By: Marinos Koutsomichalis

Code, complex numbers


Produced by: 
Marinos Koutsomichalis

Produced at:
CIRMMT, Montreal CA
MADLab, Limassol CY
NIBPAIY mobile studio

Produced in:

The J framework generates or manipulates streams of complex numbers that can be immediately probed visually and acoustically. Studies in Complex Analysis employ rely on such audiovisual displays to make possible an multimodal examination of the mathematics of the complex plane; one that can be simultaneously viscerally felt and cerebrally contemplated upon.


  • Talk, Keynote. XXIV Colloquio di Informatica Musicale; Turin, IT (2024)
  • Performance, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology; Multimedia Room. 2d Toolkit of Care Conference: Improvising Care. Montreal, CA. (2024)