
‘Sygxysis’ (*disturbance of psychological or mental health, psychological unrest, unrestful vexation) is a study in complexity for recursive stochastic generators and waveform projection.
Computer-generated audio, red-coloured waveform projection, PA system, code
Variable, ~10-20m
Produced by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis
Produced at:
Studio of Music Interaction and Polyphony, Technical Univ. of Crete, Rethymnon GR
Studio K, Heraklion GR
Produced in:
Documented by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis
Sygxysis attacks the audience with intense spectra to enact situations of discomfort and psychological unrest, setting this way both body and consciousness into a constant state of alert and resulting in a profound awareness shift. The project pivots on very complex recursive stochastic audio generators that are typically highly unstable and up to a certain extend unpredictable – it is often the case with some generators that one or both channels briefly fail to silence or DC. The resulting waveform is selectively projected in red colour over a black background – at other times the projection is muted and the audience is left in darkness. In this fashion the audience’s attention is shifted towards different aspects of the resulting audio, some of which are better appreciated visually while other acoustically. Muting the projection ON/OFF and occasionally leaving the audience in complete darkness in the presence of extreme noise further aggravates the sensation of discomfort and psychological unrest Sygxysis pivots on.

Discography, In 'An Anthology of Greek Experimental Electronic Music 1966-2016' [CD/LP]. Subrosa. Brussels, BE. (2019)
Performance, Borderline festival; Onassis Cultural Center. Athens, GR. (2014)
Performance, I-R-L; Centre d’ animation mjc Mercoeur. Paris, FR. (2012)
Performance, NK. Berlin, DE. (2012)
Performance, Fylkingen. Stockholm, SE. (2012)
Performance, A.S. Rymer Auditorium. York, UK. (2011)
Performance, Knot Gallery. Athens, GR. (2011)
Performance, Polytechno. Corfu, GR. (2011)
Performance, NOISE=NOISE. London, UK. (2011)
Performance, XVIII Festival Internacionalde Música Electroacústica Punto de Encuentro; Club Diario Levante. Valencia, ES. (2011)