Sound Design Accelerator (So.D.A.)

Code, database of annotated audio files, semantic-analysis and artificial-intelligence modules
Produced by:
Interdepartmental Center for Research on Multimedia and Audio Video, Univ. Degli Studi di Torino
CELI, Torino IT
Studio Zero Db, Torino IT
with funding from Regione Piemonte – Polo d’Innovazione per la Creatività Digitale e Multimedialità
Produced at:
Interdepartmental Center for Research on Multimedia and Audio Video, Univ. Degli Studi di Torino IT
Studio Zero Db, Torino IT
Produced in:
Documented by:
Andrea Valle, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Paolo Armao, Matteo Casu
While a research fellow at CIRMA/StudiUm in the Università degli Studi di Torino, Marinos Koutsomichalis has designed and implemented several software modules utilised in the Sound Design Accelerator (So.D.A.) project. These included FeUtil (batch audio feature extraction), SSG (sophisticated soundscape modelling and simulation) and SSC (automatic soundscape composition), and are discussed in great detail in a number of academic publications (see events bellow). So.D.A. achieves—with respect to the creation of ambiances—a twofold acceleration to sound design practice: on the selection of relevant sound elements to be composited and on their organisation. That is, employing a web interface, users may enter an arbitrary number of keywords and have a soundscape ambience recording (characterised by these keywords) automatically generated and retrieved upon request. So.D.A. has been envisaged as a tool to facilitate various tasks in a professional sound designer’s workflow. So.D.A. can be tried out in real-time here.
Publication, Koutsomichalis, M. & Valle, A., SoundScapeGenerator: soundscape modelling and simulation, In Proceedings of XX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale (Rome, IT). Venezia, IT: Università IUAV di Venezia. (2014)
Publication, Valle, A. Koutsomichalis, M., Casu, M., Imaginary Soundscapes: the SoDA Project, In Proceedings of the AudioMostly Conference (Ålborg, DK). New York, US-NY: ACM. (2014)
Publication, Valle, A., Armao, P. Casu, M., Koutsomichalis, M., SoDA: A Sound Design Accelerator for the automatic generation of soundscapes from an ontologically annotated sound library, In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) | Sound & Music Computing (SMC) Joint Conference (Athens, GR). San Francisco, US-CA: ICMC. (2014)
Other, Software, Online service for text-to-soundscape generation. Turin, IT. (2013-14)