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Bastard Noise

By: Marinos Koutsomichalis
A hybrid feedback loop between a computer running supercollider code and a Buchla 200 modular system sending audio and control signals to each other.
code | hybrid | sound | device | download | stream

Bastard Noise

A hybrid feedback loop between a computer running supercollider code and a Buchla 200 modular system sending audio and control signals to each other.

By: Marinos Koutsomichalis

Βuchla modular system, computer-generated audio and control signals, code


Produced by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis, with funding from the Elektronmusikstudion EMS, Stockholm SE

Produced at:
Elektronmusikstudion EMS, Stockholm SE

Produced in:

Documented by:
Marinos Koutsomichalis

‘Bastard Noise’ is the artist’s side-project while he was working on The Buchla Project. Herein, EMS Buchla modular system is made part of a hybrid also comprising a computer running code. Then, Buchla and the computer exchange several channels of audio and control signals, manipulating them, and feeding them back to one another in several manners – thus giving rise to very complex timbres, textures, and interaction schemata.

The material has resulted in a digital album self-released by the artist through Internet Archive and Bandcamp. Audio from ‘Bastard Noise’ has been also performed live in a number of occasions.


  • Discography, [Download/stream] Internet archive and Bandcamp. Online. (2020)
  • Performance, AudioBlast festival #1. Live-streaming to Apo33, Nantes, FR; Piksel X; Bergen, NO; and Online. (2012)